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Group 1

Adam - Engineering

Alex - Same Sex Marriage

Andrew P - Voting

Andy M - Torture

Ben - Human Cloning
Group 2

Bobby - Nuclear Weapons

Caroline - Stem Cell Research

Cole - Alcohol

Colin - Right to Parenthood

Eddy G - Torture
Group 3

Jacob - Capital Punishment

John - Marijuana

Julie - Factory Farmed Meat

Kiera - Children's Obligations to Parents

Levi - Immigration
Group 4

Lexi - Gay Marriage

Lubo - Polygamy

Meg H - Sex Out of Wedlock

Megan G - Killing Animals for Food

Group 5

Monica B - Sweatshops

Moni S - Affirmative Action

Nate - Profiling

Ryan - Global Warming
Group 6

Sarah F - Capital Punishment

Sarah S - Torture

Tom - Controversial Engineering Products

Torii -- Homosexuals and Transexuals Changing in the Locker Room

Vanessa - Physician Aid in Dying